
Hub Fact Sheet

Rice growing season: Wet season (October-March)

Rainfed Upland yield (t/ha): 0.8

Rice Area per Farmer (ha): ≥0.5 et <1.0

General farmer’s support and assets

Presence of farmer’s association: Not common

Access to credit: No

Land ownership (does farmer rent land?): No

Popular Varieties

Rainfed Upland: Tshela, NERICA 7

Selected Crop Management

Land preparation: Manual

Crop establishment: Direct seeding

Water supply:

Herbicide use: Not common

Chemical fertilizer application: Not common

Harvesting: Manual

Threshing: Manual

Women activities: Sowing, weeding, bird control, harvesting, drying, transporting, storage.

Major Challenges: Fertilizer access, poor soil quality, weeds, birds, rodents, market for selling, labor input for post harvest.

La plateforme virtuelle pour les pôles de riz de AfricaRice. Elle utilise et contribue au système eRAILS de FARA . Mentions Légales