
Hub Fact Sheet

Rice growing season: Wet season (June-December)

rainfed lowland yield (t/ha): 4

Rice Area per Farmer (ha): ≥0.5 et <1.0

General farmer’s support and assets

Presence of farmer’s association: Yes

Access to credit: No or limited

Land ownership (does farmer rent land?): Yes

Popular Varieties

Irrigated: Tox3145, Tainan

Selected Crop Management

Land preparation: Manual, Animal, Machine

Crop establishment: Transplanting

Water supply: River

Herbicide use: Yes

Chemical fertilizer application: Yes

Harvesting: Manual

Threshing: Manual

Women activities: Transplanting, Threshing and winnowing

Major Challenges: input access, poor water management, Seeds (variety, mixture, access), market for selling rice






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